I have spent weeks composing this post in my head and it changes every hour. I decided I could not delay sharing this news with you anymore so I am just going to BLURT it out.
Yes, I have breast cancer. And have had it for over 5 years. FIVE YEARS you might be screaming. Yep, it is true. Before I dive into the history I want to let you know that I am going to be fine...perfect...stronger and healthier than ever in a short while. This 5 year odyssey will be over soon and now I am actually excited about telling you and the world! Breast cancer should not be a death sentence, nor a horror show of chemicals, cuts and burns.
About 6 months after becoming a WAPF Chapter Leader I had a mammogram (and then I read this article). It was clear on the right, a mass showed on the left. The doc did not instill enough fear in me about the mass so I forgot about it. However, 2 months later I found a quail egg-sized lump on the right side. How did it appear so quickly? Well, I blamed it on bruising from the mammogram (and still do), and, having faith in my new WAPF diet I decided to let my food be my medicine and did nothing.
The lump stayed the same for about 2 years. Then I did a homeopathic round of the weight loss hormone HCG that I strongly feel made it grow, grow and grow. Did the HCG have anything to do with it? Who knows, but the lump is hormone receptive positive so it would make sense. However, I am not a chemist so I really can't say. I can only repeat the timing and the history.
Now, I had to address the damn thing. I continued to eat tons of butter, fatty grass fed meats, eggs. drink our milk and take fermented cod liver oil. I feel certain it is my diet that has kept me so strong. I will not list the litany of alternative therapies I tried. Nothing really worked, and some things helped a little on some level I am sure. By last fall the lump had consumed my whole breast and started to break through the skin. Instead of being scared by the breakthrough, I was pleased it was draining and leaving my body.
That was when I allowed a biopsy to be performed that confirmed the hormone receptive positive cancer. Of course, the doc I saw wanted me to see an oncologist RIGHT AWAY and have a PET scan. I knew I wasn't going to get onto the Medical Merry-go-round so I dismissed her advice. However, with hindsight I can see that she caused fear and panic in me, which now I know is one of the reasons cancer is deadly.
About 2 months ago I was reading Matt Stone's blog and one of the comments mentioned RBTI. I looked it up and decided to investigate further and then signed up with a practitioner. I saw some amazing changes start to take place just by drinking the distilled water that was recommended. Then, I decided to look into German New Medicine and had a phone consultation with a GNM doc 2 weeks ago. After that consultation was when I got sick with my "cold". It is actually not a cold or flu or virus I am suffering, but textbook healing symptoms of GNM. I am thrilled to have a fever of 101 and the fatigue that is predicted. My body is forcing me to rest so it can recover.
And recovery is taking place! About a week ago the wound produced a beautiful, strong scab. Preston and I started measuring it on April 10 and today I was thrilled to see that the wound has shrunk over 30%! What I am doing is working and I feel I am on a perfect path to healing.
So, in summary, I am eating a balanced WAPF diet, using RBTI to monitor my minerals and GNM to heal my psyche, brain and breast. Oh, and I can no longer find the left side mass - just in the last 10 days or so!
I could write a book about my journey, but will refrain. I do want to ask you to share with any woman (or man) who suspects cancer to NOT PANIC and do some research BEFORE seeing a doctor. Remember, fear and panic cause more harm than you can imagine and that is what our medical system thrives on.
I hope I get to see you soon. I want to thank so many of you for your well wishes and offers of help. Preston and Zach will be holding down the fort until I am up and running again...which should not be too long now.
I am grateful to the WAPF Foundation and all our farmers for the knowledge and the healthful foods that has sustained me in the challenging time. Eat more butter my friends!
With Love to you all,
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