Sunday, August 26, 2012

This sh*t makes me crazy

A well-meaning girlfriend sent a link to a bunch of "us girls" and it makes me so scared to think of how many women are going to be abused by mammograms.

Here is the link (only 2:58 minutes)

And here is my reply:
I totally agree with her mission to violate the law and to stand by her Hippocratic oath and NOT follow the Obamacare guidelines for mammograms as it is NOT the government's duty to dictate our health care.

However, I totally disagree with her on the need for mammograms and following the American Cancer Society guidelines.  I also disagree that screenings reduce the number of breast cancer deaths by 30-40%.  That's a pretty wide percentage.  Which is it, 30 or 40 percent?  But, her bad understanding of statistics aside, the actual number of breast cancer deaths has RISEN since we started having mammograms annually ( )

For those of you who don't know this or who have chosen to ignore this fact, I had a CLEAN mammogram in October of '06 and the very next month I found a huge lump that, to this day I know was caused by the crushing blow of the mammogram.

They just want us to be scared so they can control our will and our pocketbooks.  Think of how many people would be out of work if a cure was ever found.  It will never happen so don't think an evasive procedure like ionizing radiation crushed through your mammary gland is going to keep you from dying of breast cancer.  You have a much better chance of survival without it.

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Enzymes to the rescue

On Monday the 9th of July I received in the mail my order for some really good enzymes.  I had taken these back in January/February and had great results.  Ran out and tried a less expensive brand and did not enjoy the same benefits so I went back to the expensive ones.  By Tuesday I could tell there was a different quality to my pain.  It was more on the surface instead of deep in my soul.  Friday the 13th was a red-letter day for me.  I was very physically active, then ran the shop with Preston and came home and prepared dinner.  Usually after Milk-Fridays I am too tired and in pain to do much of anything and Preston has to take over.  This Friday I was so full of energy that after dinner I cooked a USWM ham and was slicing it at 9:30 to go in the fridge for quick lunches and meals.  Saturday I was still full of juice.  Sunday I worked in the yard from 6:30 11:00am.  Took a nap, ate lunch and went back out for a couple of hours.  Then I was really tired, but that was the most physical activity I have enjoyed in over a year.

The week continued with high energy and great stamina to the point that on Wednesday I decided that I actually could make it to Virginia and Preston's annual family gathering.  Preston and Zach drove on Friday and I flew on Saturday.  Had a great time, took short naps every day and flew back Monday.  The only activity I did not participate in over the weekend was croquette...I opted not to play in the mid-day hot sun.

Anyway, I thought you would enjoy knowing how my healing is going.  I am still following GNM and have used it for other imbalances in the last few months.  What a powerful gift it is.

And those enzymes.  I can't recommend them enough.  They are great for pain, inflammation and overall energy.  I am also taking the digestive ones and I love them.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My letter to a friend

Hello my friend,
SO sorry to hear about your bro.  That sucks! 

Yes, Bill Henderson's protocol was one of the first ones I investigated and bought into his supplements.  I hated the ingredients and could not confirm manufacturing processes so I did not have faith in them and decided to get my nutrients through foods and superfoods.  Also, I knew that a diet without animal protein was not right for me.  (As it turns out, my intuition served me well in that aspect as the protocol I am following strongly encourages a protein-rich diet).

Melanoma does not need to be anywhere near a death sentence.  I have three highly successful protocols I would recommend.  One, is black salve.  If he wants to use it I would buy it here.  I did not use it because my tumor was so large and deep and I was terrified of the pain.  However, I have areas that look like a rash that may be cancer so I am going to try it there.  If it is not cancer, the salve does nothing.  If it is, it will pull it out of that area.  Be sure to look for pictures.  And if he does want to try the black salve let me know and I can share more information I have gotten from folks who have used it successfully.

Speaking of pain...If your brother is in extreme pain, I would like to recommend your brother stop seeing medical docs except for getting a referral to hospice.  I did!  Best thing I ever did.  They are only interested in making you comfortable and not into the fright tactics the medicos (more on that next) use to get you to do horrible, toxic things.  If your brother is not sleeping well and for many, many hours because of pain, then that is a great route to take.  They are caring and kind.  We want to get your brother well, and in deep sleep is the only time a body heals.  I had terrible pain and for 6 months only slept 3-5 hours a night.  Once I got on morphine, I was able to sleep and my body went into healing overdrive.  The difference in just 2 weeks was astounding.

Now, about the fright tactics.  They are the WORSE thing for healing in the world.  Fear and panic can cause cancer elsewhere in the body (not metastasis which is an unproven theory  which I will talk about later).  He needs to stay calm, stress-free and confident that his body is healing.  Affirmations, meditations, EFT, Laughter Yoga are all great mind-set tools.  Also, funny movies.  And lots of rest.  A balanced and positive mind will keep him from going to dark places which are so counter productive.

I learned how influential the mind is in healing from cancer by using German New Medicine  I credit my understanding and the knowledge I have gleaned through my GNM consultant with my continued success.  Both of you should read the testimonials on melanoma.  I include you in this because sometimes you will need to "run tackle" for him and make sure he is never in a place where he is told negative things about his condition as that triggers a fear and panic response.  Preston took me to all my appointments - even with holistic healers - just to be sure that the severity or gravity of my condition was never spoken about by those who don't understand my viewpoint and that of GNM

The third tool I would investigate for him is  There are a lot of very positive testimonials with its' use on skin cancer.  There are even Pubmed articles!  For more info beyond that link, Google Rick Simpson.  This could be an alternate route to Hospice and painkillers!

I read your recent e-letter and was saddened to read that you stated your brother's melanoma can spread via the bloodstream.  Metastasis is a theory that is unproven and disputed and explained in this article  If cancer can travel through the blood system then why aren't blood donations screened for cancer?

I hope this information helps.  Stay positive, encourage a WAPF based diet and any other tools that will support the body's miraculous ability to heal!

Monday, March 12, 2012

An email to my family

I have some really good news I want to share with you all.  I have turned the corner and am enjoying life again.  I titled my last blog post, "Put your funeral clothes away!"  Let me give you a little history.

On December 15th I experienced the most agonizing night of my life.  The pain was all consuming and I could not get relief.  The next day (on the advice of my GERMAN NEW MEDICINE doctor) I called Hospice for pain management and wound care (Hospice doesn't mean "one foot in the grave").  They were here the next morning and I had pain meds in my bloodstream that afternoon.  What a big help.  Not great, but still a help.  It took about 2 weeks for them to realize that morphine was what I needed.  Now, I was feeling much better.

Again, on the advice of my GNM doc I went to a wound care clinic in mid January.  The doctor there asked what oncology I was using and when I told him that I wasn't using oncology he dismissed me by saying he could not do anything for me.  He then took Preston out in the hall the speak in private.  We know what THAT conversation was, don't we?!

While they were out of the room the nurse said that she could help me feel more comfortable and told me what I needed to do in terms of cleaning the wound and gave me a dressing to use. That was the catalyst for the turning point.  The dressing relieved 99% of my pain (which was now a 5 instead of a 10 thanks to the morphine).  It is called Mepilex Transfer and has been a godsend.

Now with the new dressing my pain was less then a 1 on a scale of 1 to 10 and I started sleeping 7-8 hours a night.  Prior to that I was happy if I got 4-5 hours of  sleep.  In deep sleep is the only time a body heals and with all that glorious sleep my body started making up for lost time.  My energy increased and then my appetite returned and then I got more energy.  Over the last 4 weeks I have started driving and doing light errands again.  I even went out on our boat last week!

I went back to the wound care clinic under the care of a different doctor who agreed to treat me palliatively which is all I wanted anyway.  It was my 3 week follow up.  The doc and nurse were SHOCKED by the progress the wound had made.  The doc said she would have been pleased if the wound had stopped growing, much less starting to close and look so healthy.  Since that visit I have started using a product from New Zealand called Medihoney.  Now the wound is practically closing before our very eyes.

I still have a long way to go.  I have to rest a lot, nap often and be careful not to over do it, but I am having a great time healing!  The cats even stopped sitting vigil and became playful.  They have been constant companions, bringing good energy to me while removing the bad.

I know I would not be anywhere near this healed if it had not been for the unending care and love I have gotten from my Preston.  In December he was with me almost 24/7. I was in such a bad way and he did everything for me. He had a difficult few months taking care of me and is so relieved and happy to see me functioning again.  I even get in the kitchen and cook once in a while which is one of my favorite things to do - nourish my family!  He is long over due for some nourishing and I look forward to being able to give back to him and all that have been so supportive!

Please feel free to share my blog...I think it is important that woman know they can survive breast cancer if they opt out of the cuts, chemicals and burns of the cancer industry.

Much love and good health to you all,

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Put your funeral clothes away!

Have I really not posted since Jul 11, 2011?  Many of you who don't know me personally must have thought I had succumbed to breast cancer and died.  Oh, no my dear reader, far from it.  I am doing great and looking forward to a full recovery.  Although, I must admit, there were fleeting moments filled with such pain that I wanted it to be over!  Let me explain.

As I delved deeper and deeper into German New Medicine (GNM) my healing speed progressed.  Now, note the name of this modality, it is NEW Medicine and to me that speaks of a NEW way of thinking.  For many, healing would mean closing of the wound, disappearance of the tumor and life goes back to normal.  But, the body doesn't work that way. Nor does GNM, especially when new fears are introduced. 

If you recall from my last post I had selected a RBTI consultant (I'll call her Mary) to work with to balance my minerals in the RBTI belief that no disease can exist in a properly mineral-balanced body.  I was encouraged with this consultant and I thought I was making progress until one morning on the phone she told me I should get a mastectomy.  Mary equated my breast to an apple...if you have a bad part, you cut it out.  Well, the bad part of my body was my breast and she wanted me to "cut it out" to save the rest of my body and my life.

Fear and panic coursed through my body.  Wasn't I using this consultant to avoid that mindset?  Well again, like I had done in the past, I ran from her, but not before that fear and panic effected my psyche then my brain and in a short time my organ (breast). 

And that is the track a significant trauma takes.  Read more about that on the GNM site  Forgive me if I oversimplify here as I explain how Mary's words - or more importantly, the way I reacted to them caused a Death Fright, or a Devaluation Conflict, or a Diagnosis Shock. To this day I am not sure which one, and possibly all three.  But, the result was an ulceration of the skin of my breast.  I had a new "wound" starting and that caused more shock and fear. 

My GNM consultant, Dr. Chris Lowthert worked with me keeping me calm and fear free.  See, I knew on the mental level that fear only makes things worse, even though I had total confidence in GNM I had to learn this in my heart and soul..I had to be prepared not to go into a panic when new or unexpected things occurred.  When Mary told me to have my breast removed (how barbaric!) I had only been introduced to GNM 2 weeks earlier.  I was green and impressionable.

Because I believed in GNM I read more and more.  I watched the breast cancer video over and over.  As I became more confident in my bodys' healing abilities, it seemed to become sicker and sicker as my breast wound was now consuming my whole breast and the draining was effusive.  Yuck!  I smelled of dead tissue.  And I hurt!  Lying down in bed had been difficult for 5 mouths or so and now it was impossible.  Now I am in pain and not sleeping.  How can a body heal if it is not getting the sleep it needs?  It can't and I didn't.

I was beginning to understand that the Healing Phase can be extremely difficult in the beginning.  There can be fever, inflammation, discharges and pain.  Wow, was I healing. I had all of those symptoms with excruciating pain.  And I had 5 months of this agony ahead of me. 

I'll post more of my journey soon.  If you wish to receive automatic emails when I post just enter your email address in the box on the top left of this page.  Thanks for your support in sharing this with others.