Sunday, April 14, 2013

Spring update and my cat!

The other night I woke with a start after realizing I had not seen one of our 6 cats all afternoon and evening. I got dressed, grabbed a flashlight and went out to our backyard to search for him. Poor Johnson (yes, his name is Johnson) was huddled under a bamboo tree and totally uninterested in anything I offered him (food, love, shelter, water). I left him there and tried to go back to sleep.
But sleep would not come, I laid there and worried about him until I finally drifted off around 4:00. During that time I realized that I was creating a “nest worry conflict” (GNM term). And I really lived in a nest worry conflict over my boys, constantly. How could I heal if I stayed in that conflict?
I got in touch with Andi (my GNM consultant) to ask about Johnson’s healing from a conflict. During the conversation about him, she confirmed that my cats are my children and by worrying about them I stay in a “hanging healing”.
So, now, I must do all I can do to insure their health and safety so I can stop worrying about them. I have to let go as long as I have done all I can do. My brother taught me that last night when I asked, “How does a mother ever stop worrying about her children?”
Now, I expect to really speed up my healing as I let go of worry about my cats. Yippee!
Oh, and about Johnson? His conflict began last Monday when we had a gardener working in his yard. On Tues and Wed there were workman here disturbing his world. He’ s tough cat, but recently has become very frightened of strangers making strange sounds. I suspect Thursday he resolved his conflicts when all was quiet and right in his world and on Friday he went into healing.
I tell him he is safe and to sleep as his body is working perfectly and healing as fast as it can. His conflict lasted 3 days so his healing should take 3 days.
He is still comfortable in his “sick room” (our bedroom with the door closed), he will drink a bit of tuna water and today he wolfed down about 3 bites of food. I am so glad I didn’t take him to the vet! By tomorrow he should be getting back to normal.
Gotta love something so universal that it works on pets, too!  Viva GNM!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Great e-zine article on my journey

I was so honored when Morgan asked if she could write an article about my breast cancer journey.  Take a look and enjoy the excellent writing.  Ha, and wait 'til you see the pic of me with long hair!  How did that happen?